Tag : kosuth

3 – The process of dematerialization of art

Joseph Kosuth, Neon, Who’s afraid of red, yellow and blue exhibition from 17 February to 20 May 2012 at la maison rouge, Paris, France   The analysis undertaken in my previous intervention, and that I am continuing here, pays more attention to the material aspect of the pictorial execution, an aspect that constitutes the fulcrum of the identity of painting and its expression, we would otherwise embark on a path of abstraction where the pictorial testimonies are not expressed and […]

2 – The process of abstraction in the contemporary age

Piero della Francesca, Nativity, 1460-1475 (detail)   In 1925 Franz Roh (1890-1965) theorized Magic Realism (Nach-Expressionismus – magischer Realismus: Probleme der neuesten europäisches Malerei, Leipzig, Klinkhardt & Biermann), stating that painting had the task of opposing the vague and demonic flow of existence. The pictorial representation therefore had to crystallize the volumes, making them solid, immutable and timeless. The works belonging to Magic Realism, and to the previous pictorial experiences that generated it (Metaphysics in particular), owe that sense of […]

3 – Il processo di smaterializzazione dell’arte

Joseph Kosuth, Neon, Who’s afraid of red, yellow and blue exhibition from 17 February to 20 May 2012 at la maison rouge, Paris, France   L’analisi intrapresa nel mio intervento precedente, e che sto qui proseguendo, pone maggiore attenzione all’aspetto materico dell’esecuzione pittorica, aspetto che costituisce il fulcro dell’identità della pittura e della sua espressione, ci avvieremmo altrimenti su di un percorso di astrazione dove le testimonianze pittoriche non sono espresse e analizzate nella loro oggettività materica, ma sottoposte a […]