Tag : visualperception


Edward Munch, Puberty (detail), 1894-95, Oslo National Gallery   The works of Edward Munch (1863-1944) have fascinated me more and more over the years. In Puberty of 1894-95, certain formal and perspective distortions typical of his mature language, to which this painting belongs, are not present. This work has a more intimate or apparently less explosive character than his other more violent and strident works, both in terms of colour and formal forcing. The explosiveness of this painting resides in […]

Observe the experience

Illustration by Daniel Haskett (detail)   We have already observed how colour can create spatial artificialities (https://www.danilosantinelli.it/danilos-blog/spatial-use-of-colour/), but this process of showing something that does not exist in fact, is a practice usually used by authors of images, who through our experience of reality put us in a position of co-authors, or rather, assign us the task of completing the visual text. This aspect will certainly be clearer with the help of some examples. Looking at this image of Asterix, […]

Spatio-temporal trend of the composition

In the previous article (https://www.danilosantinelli.it/danilos-blog/illusoriety-of-realism/) I pointed out that talking about realism within visual texts is improper. In fact, they use codes that address our way of seeing and thinking about the world, and therefore our perception of it, which is far from being real is instead distorted: in this sense, the example of the perspective convergence that our gaze – and the drawing consequently reproduces – perceives – was given. The sense of realism is therefore given by proposing […]